Rorschach mask from Watchmen

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After Effects and Mocha tutorial

Who would not know Rorschach, the crime fighting outlaw from Watchmen? He is among the good, he is still one of those persons who we would not be happy to come across in a dark, abandoned passage. Not even on a clear field full of lowers.

Rorschach was named after the test in which there are different ink splotches and in the movies, these are shown by psychologist with severe look to serial killers with even more severe look.

In the movie, it was solved brilliantly as these splotches move on Rorschach’s mask. This tutorial video was made about this, that is, about how you can make it by using After Effects and Mocha. Of course, for the perfect solution, 3D animation would be needed but with this solution, you can achieve a very similar effect.

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3 Responses so far.

  1. Sam says:

    Wow, i like this movie and your tutorial. Can you get tutorial from other movies too? I would love to see a tutorial from the Pirates of the Caribbean.

  2. Robert says:

    Thanks guys, its a great tutorial! I also hope you continue this show of movie tricks.

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